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orders module

Base class for working with order records.

Order records capture information on filled orders. Orders are mainly populated when simulating a portfolio and can be accessed as Portfolio.orders.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> import vectorbt as vbt

>>> np.random.seed(42)
>>> price = pd.DataFrame({
...     'a': np.random.uniform(1, 2, size=100),
...     'b': np.random.uniform(1, 2, size=100)
... }, index=[datetime(2020, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(100)])
>>> size = pd.DataFrame({
...     'a': np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=100),
...     'b': np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=100),
... }, index=[datetime(2020, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(100)])
>>> pf = vbt.Portfolio.from_orders(price, size, fees=0.01, freq='d')
>>> orders = pf.orders

a    58
b    51
Name: count, dtype: int64

>>> orders.sell.count()
a    42
b    49
Name: count, dtype: int64


>>> orders['a'].stats()
Start                2020-01-01 00:00:00
End                  2020-04-09 00:00:00
Period                 100 days 00:00:00
Total Records                        100
Total Buy Orders                      58
Total Sell Orders                     42
Min Size                        0.003033
Max Size                        0.989877
Avg Size                        0.508608
Avg Buy Size                    0.468802
Avg Sell Size                   0.563577
Avg Buy Price                   1.437037
Avg Sell Price                  1.515951
Total Fees                      0.740177
Min Fees                        0.000052
Max Fees                        0.016224
Avg Fees                        0.007402
Avg Buy Fees                    0.006771
Avg Sell Fees                   0.008273
Name: a, dtype: object

StatsBuilderMixin.stats() also supports (re-)grouping:

>>> orders.stats(group_by=True)
Start                2020-01-01 00:00:00
End                  2020-04-09 00:00:00
Period                 100 days 00:00:00
Total Records                        200
Total Buy Orders                     109
Total Sell Orders                     91
Min Size                        0.003033
Max Size                        0.989877
Avg Size                        0.506279
Avg Buy Size                    0.472504
Avg Sell Size                   0.546735
Avg Buy Price                    1.47336
Avg Sell Price                  1.496759
Total Fees                      1.483343
Min Fees                        0.000052
Max Fees                        0.018319
Avg Fees                        0.007417
Avg Buy Fees                    0.006881
Avg Sell Fees                   0.008058
Name: group, dtype: object


Orders class has a single subplot based on Orders.plot():

>>> orders['a'].plots()

orders_attach_field_config Config

Config of fields to be attached to Orders.

    "side": {
        "attach_filters": true

orders_field_config Config

Field config for Orders.

    "dtype": {
        "id": "int64",
        "col": "int64",
        "idx": "int64",
        "size": "float64",
        "price": "float64",
        "fees": "float64",
        "side": "int64"
    "settings": {
        "id": {
            "title": "Order Id"
        "size": {
            "title": "Size"
        "price": {
            "title": "Price"
        "fees": {
            "title": "Fees"
        "side": {
            "title": "Side",
            "mapping": {
                "Buy": 0,
                "Sell": 1

Orders class


Extends Records for working with order records.


Inherited members

buy method

Records filtered by side == 0.

close property

Reference price such as close (optional).

col method

Mapped array of the field col.

fees method

Mapped array of the field fees.

field_config class variable

Field config of Orders.

    "dtype": {
        "id": "int64",
        "col": "int64",
        "idx": "int64",
        "size": "float64",
        "price": "float64",
        "fees": "float64",
        "side": "int64"
    "settings": {
        "id": {
            "name": "id",
            "title": "Order Id"
        "col": {
            "name": "col",
            "title": "Column",
            "mapping": "columns"
        "idx": {
            "name": "idx",
            "title": "Timestamp",
            "mapping": "index"
        "size": {
            "title": "Size"
        "price": {
            "title": "Price"
        "fees": {
            "title": "Fees"
        "side": {
            "title": "Side",
            "mapping": {
                "Buy": 0,
                "Sell": 1

id method

Mapped array of the field id.

idx method

Mapped array of the field idx.

indexing_func method


Perform indexing on Orders.

metrics class variable

Metrics supported by Orders.

    "start": {
        "title": "Start",
        "calc_func": "<function Orders.<lambda> at 0x12d3f8ea0>",
        "agg_func": null,
        "tags": "wrapper"
    "end": {
        "title": "End",
        "calc_func": "<function Orders.<lambda> at 0x12d3f8f40>",
        "agg_func": null,
        "tags": "wrapper"
    "period": {
        "title": "Period",
        "calc_func": "<function Orders.<lambda> at 0x12d3f8fe0>",
        "apply_to_timedelta": true,
        "agg_func": null,
        "tags": "wrapper"
    "total_records": {
        "title": "Total Records",
        "calc_func": "count",
        "tags": "records"
    "total_buy_orders": {
        "title": "Total Buy Orders",
        "calc_func": "buy.count",
        "tags": [
    "total_sell_orders": {
        "title": "Total Sell Orders",
        "calc_func": "sell.count",
        "tags": [
    "min_size": {
        "title": "Min Size",
        "calc_func": "size.min",
        "tags": [
    "max_size": {
        "title": "Max Size",
        "calc_func": "size.max",
        "tags": [
    "avg_size": {
        "title": "Avg Size",
        "calc_func": "size.mean",
        "tags": [
    "avg_buy_size": {
        "title": "Avg Buy Size",
        "calc_func": "buy.size.mean",
        "tags": [
    "avg_sell_size": {
        "title": "Avg Sell Size",
        "calc_func": "sell.size.mean",
        "tags": [
    "avg_buy_price": {
        "title": "Avg Buy Price",
        "calc_func": "buy.price.mean",
        "tags": [
    "avg_sell_price": {
        "title": "Avg Sell Price",
        "calc_func": "sell.price.mean",
        "tags": [
    "total_fees": {
        "title": "Total Fees",
        "calc_func": "fees.sum",
        "tags": [
    "min_fees": {
        "title": "Min Fees",
        "calc_func": "fees.min",
        "tags": [
    "max_fees": {
        "title": "Max Fees",
        "calc_func": "fees.max",
        "tags": [
    "avg_fees": {
        "title": "Avg Fees",
        "calc_func": "fees.mean",
        "tags": [
    "avg_buy_fees": {
        "title": "Avg Buy Fees",
        "calc_func": "buy.fees.mean",
        "tags": [
    "avg_sell_fees": {
        "title": "Avg Sell Fees",
        "calc_func": "sell.fees.mean",
        "tags": [

Returns Orders._metrics, which gets (deep) copied upon creation of each instance. Thus, changing this config won't affect the class.

To change metrics, you can either change the config in-place, override this property, or overwrite the instance variable Orders._metrics.

plot method


Plot orders.


column : str
Name of the column to plot.
close_trace_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments passed to plotly.graph_objects.Scatter for Orders.close.
buy_trace_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments passed to plotly.graph_objects.Scatter for "Buy" markers.
sell_trace_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments passed to plotly.graph_objects.Scatter for "Sell" markers.
add_trace_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments passed to add_trace.
fig : Figure or FigureWidget
Figure to add traces to.
Keyword arguments for layout.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> import vectorbt as vbt

>>> price = pd.Series([1., 2., 3., 2., 1.], name='Price')
>>> price.index = [datetime(2020, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(len(price))]
>>> size = pd.Series([1., 1., 1., 1., -1.])
>>> orders = vbt.Portfolio.from_orders(price, size).orders

>>> orders.plot()

plots_defaults property

Defaults for PlotsBuilderMixin.plots().

Merges Records.plots_defaults and orders.plots from settings.

price method

Mapped array of the field price.

sell method

Records filtered by side == 1.

side method

Mapped array of the field side.

size method

Mapped array of the field size.

stats_defaults property

Defaults for StatsBuilderMixin.stats().

Merges Records.stats_defaults and orders.stats from settings.

subplots class variable

Subplots supported by Orders.

    "plot": {
        "title": "Orders",
        "yaxis_kwargs": {
            "title": "Price"
        "check_is_not_grouped": true,
        "plot_func": "plot",
        "tags": "orders"

Returns Orders._subplots, which gets (deep) copied upon creation of each instance. Thus, changing this config won't affect the class.

To change subplots, you can either change the config in-place, override this property, or overwrite the instance variable Orders._subplots.